Wednesday 19 November 2014

Burkina Faso's Lt Col Isaac Zida named prime minister

The authorities in Burkina Faso have appointed an army officer, Lt Col Isaac Zida, as transitional prime minister.
Col Zida had been among officers who took power when then President Blaise Compaore was forced to resign on 31 October during mass protests.

Lt Col Zida handed over as head of state to Michel Kafando on Monday
He declared himself head of state but on Tuesday oversaw the swearing-in of former Foreign Minister Michel Kafando as interim president.
The moves followed agreement on a year-long transition to elections.

The transitional charter will see an interim legislative chamber installed until elections are organised next year.
Mr Compaore first seized power in a coup in 1987 and went on to win four disputed elections.
Tens of thousands of people protested in Ouagadougou in October against moves to allow him to extend his rule.


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