Wednesday 14 August 2013


Nasir Siddiki , 34, Nasir Siddiki, a successful business man, had made his first million, but money meant nothing to him on his deathbed. Diagnosed with the worst case of shingles ever admitted to Toronto General Hospital , his immune system shut down and doctors left him to die.

Nasir Siddiki, Left to Die
The next morning I woke in a sterile room on the eighth floor of the hospital, my skin burning as though someone had doused me in gasoline and lit a
match. I felt on fire from the inside out. My doctor arrived and looked at me in wonder. “The blisters are multiplying so fast I can literally watch them grow,” he said. ‘”Your body isn’t fighting back.”
The next morning, in addition to shingles, I had chicken pox from head to toe. I was put in strict isolation. That evening my temperature soared to 107.6 degrees — hot enough to leave my brain permanently
For days I continued to deteriorate. My nerve endings became so inflamed that a hair drifting across my skin sent shock waves of fire rippling through my body. By week’s end, I was listed in critical condition.
Nasir and Anita Siddiki

My Last Hope
In life, I’d been bold, self confident, a risk taker. But facing death, I was terrified. I had no idea what might await me on the other side. I’d been raised as a Muslem in London , England , and I understood Allah was not a God who heals.

My only hope was in medicine.
I eventually slipped so close to death that the doctors didn’t know I could hear them when they examined me. “His immune system has simply shut down,” one of them said.
“He’s dying,” the other confirmed. “His immune system must be compromised by AIDS.”
I don’t have AIDS! I wanted to shout, but I couldn’t form the words. Then it hit me. He said I’m dying!
The doctors spoke quietly to my co-worker, Anita. “In a few hours he’ll be dead,” they said. “If by some miracle he lives, he’ll probably be blind in his right eye, deaf in his right ear, paralyzed on his right side and he may be severely brain damaged from the high fever.”

Then they left.
They left me here to die! I felt like a drowning man going down for the third time. Gathering my strength I whispered a prayer. “God, if you’re real, don’t let me die!”

In His Presence
During the darkest hour of the night, I woke and saw a man at the foot of my bed. Rays of light emanated from him, allowing me to see his outline. I couldn’t see his face, it was too bright. No one had to tell me, I knew it was Jesus.

The Koran mentions Jesus; Moslems believe He existed, not as the son of God, but as a good man and a prophet. I knew this wasn’t Mohammed. I knew it wasn’t Allah. Jesus was in my room. There was no fear, only peace.

“Why would You come to a Moslem when everyone else has left me to die?” I wondered.

Without words, he spoke to me. “I Am the God of the Christians. I Am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”

That’s all He said. He didn’t mention my illness. He didn’t mention my impending death. As suddenly as He appeared, He was gone.

The next morning, the same two doctors arrived to examine me. “The blisters have stopped growing!”

“We don’t know what happened, but the shingles virus has gone into remission!”

The following day, still in pain and covered with blisters, I was discharged from the hospital with a suitcase full of drugs. “Don’t leave home,” the doctor cautioned.

 “It will be months before the blisters go away, and when they do you’ll be left with white patches of skin and scars. The pain could last for years.”

Stepping outside into the morning sun, I looked like a cross between a leper and the Elephant Man. When people saw me, they crossed to the other side of the street. However, my mind was not on my looks; my thoughts were on Jesus. There was no doubt in my mind that Jesus’ presence in my room had stopped the shingles virus. Whatever else Jesus may be, I realized that in His presence miracles happened.

That fact left me with one consuming question: Is Jesus the Son of God as the Christians claim, or is He just a prophet as I was taught?

At home that evening, in spite of the drugs, the pain and itching was so severe I almost had to tie my hands. Even so, I fell into a restless sleep wondering about Jesus.

                                               Learning to Live 
The next morning, I woke early and turned on the television. Flipping through the channels, I froze when I saw the following words across the screen: Is Jesus the Son of God?

I listened intently as two men spent the entire program discussing this topic — answering all of my questions. Before the show went off the air, one of the men led the television audience in a prayer. My body was aflame with pain but I knelt on my living room floor anyway. Tears streaming down my face, I repeated the prayer and invited Jesus into my heart.

Immediately a voracious spiritual hunger sprang up within me. I had to know more about Jesus. In spite of my doctor’s orders to stay inside, the next day I went out and bought a Bible. First I read the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Still ravenous, I started in Genesis and read through the Bible during my sleepless nights.

Meanwhile, Anita brought me books and teaching tapes explaining the Gospel. I devoured them while continuing to study the Word of God. As my understanding of faith began to grow, I dug out a picture of how I looked before shingles. I prayed and asked God to make me look that way again.
Nasir and Anita Siddiki

Jesus, My Healer
One week after my discharge from the hospital, I woke and found my pillow covered in blisters. I must have clawed them in my sleep, I thought. I crawled out of bed and stepped into the shower.

What had started on my pillow was finished in the shower: Every blister fell off my body!

Instead of being covered with patches of white and scar tissue, my skin was simply red and raw. It slowly healed, returning to its pre-shingles condition. When it did, I not only looked human, I looked like I did before I got sick, except for the scars that I still carry on my chest.

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None of the doctor’s dire predictions came true. My eyesight was 20/20. My hearing was normal. My speech was unimpaired. I suffered no brain damage.

My healing was miraculous, swift and complete. I never suffered from lingering pain or any other complication. Not only did I have the worst case of shingles ever admitted to Toronto General Hospital , I also had the most miraculous recovery.

Jesus, the God of the Christians, showed up in the hospital room of a dying Moslem and healed me. But that wasn’t the greatest miracle He performed. The transformation that occurred in my heart was even more dramatic than the one that occurred in my body.

An international teacher and evangelist, Dr. Nasir Siddiki is the founder of Wisdom Ministries ( He lives in Tulsa , OK with his wife Anita and their two sons.

Please share this wonderful testimony with others and help spread the Gospel of Christ


Relationship failure is been one of the most devastating misery in human life.When not properly controlled it destroy the both parties and leads to early grave.When satan desire to destroy someone at all cost after trying every available strategy without winning, he last resort is often to destroy a relationship and then destroy  the person..

Funnily enough, u will not believe this, but there is a connection between relationship and money, when u start having a failing relationship, your finances stays drying up.It is very important to know that though we all need people in our lives we should also know when to call it quit.. Many are 6-feet down today bcos they cant just let go of a relationship that is already destroying them. From experience I can tell that the reason why some wont want to let a relationship go even when they know it gonna kill them is because…

1. Fear of building another. They believe the failing relationship at hand is better than the relationship that they are not seen.

2. Fear of shame ,that people might mock them of failing relationship.. but not truly knowing that u are responsible for ur own destiny.

3.They have invested so much of the other partner and feel they need compensation.It only God that can compensate any human for the good he has done for others..Baba God wont do it in a wrong relationship

I am not writing to support breaking relationships bcos relationship is one of God’s wisdom for successful living on earth but over the time, WHAT KILLS PEOPLE EVEN FASTER THAN CANCER IS A WRONG RELATIONSHIP. AFTER HELL FIRE THE NEXT HOTTEST PLACE IS A WRONG RELATIONSHIP.U will never prosper in it, the end is always early death, career ruin etc. this is why it is important to know when to draw the curtain in a relationship that will not work.
Are there sign to be observe,? Yes Yes Yes

1.When both partner no longer feel joy at each other progresses.. they go through ur updates to see if something bad is happening to u and they celebrate it

2.When you wish your pattern dead just so u can be free maybe bcos of what they he/she did to u

3.When u can no longer bless him/her but rather curses him/her everyday his/her name come across ur mind.

4.When u feel so frustrated and miserable whenever they mention the person name

5.So much violence that could even lead to death

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Big Woman Naked and Runs Mad After Confessing She Uses Corpse Water In Her Restaurant

Imagine the extent some people go all in a bid to make "too much money" and oppress others. This is one of the reason why those who have made money legitimately are not respected atimes in society as there is the temptation to lump all wealthy people as crooks, one way or the other.

This woman runs a popular restaurant where men and women troop in to eat, not know that they are eating away their destinies, in this Nigeria...

She is the owner of one of the most popular local restaurant (buka) in the Eleme area of Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital. I hear the woman confessed last weekend to using spiritual means to entice customers, as well as take their “destinies.” True life story!

According to eye witnesses, the woman, said to be from Akwa Ibom state, suddenly ran mad while at her restaurant. She started acting bizarre, tore her clothes and started confessing in the presence of customers, her workers and passersby how she used diabolical means for the growth of her business.

According to a source, she said she mixes water used to bathe corpses with her food, as well as water from her private part and menstruation blood. She said she did all these to attract customers whose “destinies” she used for the growth of her business and riches.

The news of her confession spread around town and many who have been going to her restaurant to enjoy themselves could not believe their ears that they've been eating food made with corpses water. Really sad! Some of her customers (including Okada men) and angry onlookers descended on her but she was rescued by Policemen who later took her away.

Eating out is cheap but with stories like this one need to be careful.




In an effort to save his pregnant wife and their child, an Indian man reportedly walked through a forest for about 40 kms in heavy rains carrying the ailing woman on his shoulders to get her to a hospital.

According to IndianExress, the tribal youth, Ayyappan, carrying his seven-month pregnant wife, Sudha made the 6 AM to 6 PM journey in heavy rains.
He was later able to get a ride to take his wife to Pathnamthitta district hospital from where she was referred to Kottayam medical college hospital.

When the woman was brought to the hospital, doctors said she had oedema, high blood pressure and convulsions. Convulsions during pregnancy can affect both mother and child.The woman's life was saved since she was carried all the way, but the baby could not be saved. Labour was induced for the delivery of the dead foetus.

The couple was living in the Konni forests and eked out a living by selling honey and various other products from the forest. As media reports came in about the couple, offers of financial assistance have started pouring in


Bollywood actress, Jiah Khan, 25, committed suicide by hanging herself from a ceiling fan in her bedroom at her residence in Mumbai on Sunday June 2nd when her mother and sister were not home.

A six-page suicide letter was found by Jiah's mother at their home a few days after the suicide and has been released to the police and the press. In the letter, Jiah blamed her boyfriend for ruining her life, cheating on her and forcing her to abort their child.

Jiah's ex-boyfriend, 21 year old Suraj Pancholi, the son of famous Bollywood actors Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab, was arrested yesterday Monday June 10th, on suspicion of abetting her suicide.

Suraj, (pictured above leaving a court house after his arrest) had ended things with Jiah just weeks before she killed herself.

Read Jiah's heartbreaking suicide note:

'I don't know how to say this to you but I might as well now as I have nothing to lose. I've already lost everything. If you're reading this I might have already left or about to leave. I am broken inside. You may not have known this but you affected me deeply to a point where I lost myself in loving you. Yet you tortured me every day.

These days I see no light I wake up not wanting to wake up. There was a time I saw my life with you, a future with you. But you shattered my dreams. I feel dead inside. I've never given so much of myself to someone or cared so much. You returned my love with cheating and lies.

It didn't matter how many gifts I gave you or how beautiful I looked for you. I was scared of getting pregnant but I gave myself completely.

When I first met you I was driven, ambitious and disciplined. Then I fell for you, a love I thought would bring out the best in me. I don't know why destiny brought us together.

After all the pain, the rape, the abuse, the torture I have seen previously I didn't deserve this. I didn't see any love or commitment from you. I just became increasingly scared that you would hurt me mentally or physically.

Your life was about partying and women. Mine was you and my work. If I stay here I will crave you and miss you.

So, I am kissing my 10-year career and dreams goodbye. I never went with anyone else. I am a loyal person. No other woman will give you as much as I did or love you as much as I did. I can write that in my blood...

You never even met my sister. I bought your sister presents... You never appreciated my
love, kicked me in the face... The Goa trip was my birthday present but even after you cheated I still spent on you.
I aborted our baby when it hurt me deeply... I wish you had loved me like I loved you... I leave this place with nothing but broken dreams and empty promises. All I want now is to go to sleep and never wake up again...'